New Ruling from the Commonwealth Court about Accessibility Codes
You must cease all enforcements of the 2021 Accessibility Standards.
New Court Ruling on Accessibility 10/26/22
Slides from Live Webinar - Based on Commonwealth Court Decision of 10/26/22 held on 11/18/22
Recording of Live Webinar - Based on Commonwealth Court Decision of 10/26/22 held on 11/18/22
BCO 101 Exam (by request) 2024-25 (1/2/25)
Thursday, January 2, 2025
BCO's Lunch and Learn (January 3, 2025) (Virtual)
Friday, January 3, 2025
BCO's Lunch and Learn (January 3, 2025) (In Person Hbg, PAl)
Friday, January 3, 2025