Once registered, you will receive a Zoom invitation link needed to attend the class at least 2 days prior to the scheduled time. Please note, this email tends to get caught up in spam. If you have not received the Zoom invitation email within 2 days of the course, please double check your spam folder or email us at information@paconstructioncodesacademy.org, we are here to help!
This 2 -hour FREE program will present the "real life" duties of a UCC Certified Building Code Official and what a "normal" day might look like - even though there are no normal days! This program is especially geared for those who are thinking about pursuing this UCC certification or who have been asked by municipal officials or third party employers to obtain the certification. This will include a discussion of how to coordinate UCC responsibilities with others involved, such as zoning, flood plain enforcement and more. There will be plenty of opportunity for questions and discussion with the presenters.
Time: 9:00am-11:00am
This class will have 2 CEU's.
Instructors: Shawn McGlynn, Judy Acosta
*We no longer accept paper registrations or invoicing for this class. Online registrations only. Credit Cards, PayPal and checks are accepted as payment.
Attendance & Cancellation Policy for Virtual Class
To receive full CEU's for this class, Attendance & Participation in the Live Zoom's are required.
*If there are any Attendance Issues, please e-mail Christy Saliaris at csaliaris@pml.org